Considering that the synthetic leather market depends to a great extent on innovation in design and quality, so we offer you the product line of our business partner LINTEC, leader in the manufacture of Casting Paper. Lintec is recognized worldwide for its quality, performance and innovation in its designs. One of our strengths in LINTEC paper is that we have local products, we save cost and import work to our customers, in addition to having highly competitive proposals.
We have specialized lines for the manufacture of synthetic leather in PVC, PU and semi-PU.
Main uses:
•PVC synthetic leather
• PU synthetic leather
•PVC/PU synthetic leather or Semi PU
We have specialized lines for the manufacture of synthetic leather in PVC, PU and semi-PU.
Main uses:
•PVC synthetic leather
• PU synthetic leather
•PVC/PU synthetic leather or Semi PU